Society Dress at CalBal 2023
A couple weekends ago featured the return of the California Balboa Classic! Held in January, this was the last big swing dance event I attended in 2020, so it was extra nice to see it come back. I hadn’t figured out what to wear, though, when Gertie released her new Society Dress on Patreon on January 1.

I’ve *never* sewn up a couple of dresses as fast as I did this time! The style is similar to some of my favorite dresses in my closet, with one notable exception – it’s a knit! On January 1st I literally printed and taped up the pattern and went to Joann for fabric. I made the velvet one first, and was so impressed with how fast it came together that I made the poppy dress too. Being a knit means that the fit is forgiving so I skipped the mockup, and I’m getting more comfortable with my rotary cutter too, which is a big time savings. Both dresses are a straight size 10F/G, with the hems shortened 2″. Both fabrics are from Joann, a stretch velvet and double-brushed poly. I will be making more of these! (Plus working on a new pose, lol!)

Oh! I also competed this weekend! Chris and I competed for the first time since…2017? 2016? It’s been a long time. We placed 3rd in the Pure Balboa comp. It was the only contest we signed up for, and it was SUPER INTERESTING only focusing on Pure Bal instead of getting distracted by all the flash of Bal-swing. I have a new respect for the nuances of the dance now!